Sunday, December 7, 2014

a year journey comes to the end

can't imagine that I have spent a year in USA! Everything seems so new and just like yesterday.

The journey seems fun and happy. Met many people from around the world. Some of them leave footprints in our heart some of them just leave without leaving anything in your heart. 

Not only friends but the host kids that I have been taken care of. We loved each other so much and we hated each other so much. We were meaned but we loved at the same time. Was funny! Perhaps, just like a family members. You will be so mean to your family but you loved them the most. I love you,I truly do!

I learned to give hugs if someone needed. That means a lot and the feeling can't be described. It was magic! It healed  the pain in your heart/ transferred the love feeling towards someone. Perhaps, i missed out so much hugs or the magic of hugs in malayasia. A hug means a lot to me! 
I am going to miss the kissing and hugging monsters too! 

I learned to let go of someone. They might not mean to stay in your daily life forever but in your heart. And they come and go at the same time. It's  still so hard for me to let go of someone. Saying hello was so much easier.  I thought I would be fine with the goodbyes but I was not. I was afraid that i might not have the chance to see them anymore. I knew C'est la vie. 😌 yeah, I hold on too tight again sometimes. I never think of saying goodbyes to some one you met for just less than a year would be so difficult too. But I was glad that you walked into my life and spent time with me doing some simple stuffs while we were able to do that together. I lived at that moments. I was not regretted at all. That means a lot to me too! I missed a lot of people. A lot, old and new friends. 

An Unknown and third smallest state, Connecticut, in USA. I knew it now. And I met a lot of nice people here. I will miss you all a lot. I truly appreciate  and thankful for what I have got from here. Nice friends, host family, ESL  classmates, meetup group  ladies, Maggie and Tony (tikkaway  stuff), zumba class...... 

A new chapter of my life will be beginning in coming Wednesday!! I hope and believe everything will be good and better from  now on. I shall see everyone of you again someday,somewhere on earth. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014



Sunday, August 31, 2014

The moment with them

River tubing, au pair monthly meeting. Yes, it was really fun with them. Stephanie and Laura were there to save me. I was scared of water until today! Though i learned how to swim. Swantje, Astrid, Anne were there to help me. Yet, I wished Anne, Ania, Akane, Alien were there too.

They were now at their home country to start another journey of their life. I miss them, seriously. The one who I spent most time, share the most things with, Anne, I missed her the most. Ania, a girl who are mature and get along well together, I missed her. Akane, went back to Japan and lived happily, I, missed too. Alien, the girl looks like my aunt, will be leaving neXT week. Yeah, this is life.

People comes in, people goes. Nothing last forever, memories, they fade too. I appreciated the moment when we were together. Laugh, happy, complaints, ecetera, ecetera. Life's experiences, that's part of my life now.

I knew I could not go back to many places I used to go, or to reach many people I used to know,  as they were all past tense.yes, past tense. So, I have to, I must,  I can only keep going forward.. moving forward.. that's it. Still need a little time for me to persuade myself... I am still holding something that I am not supposed to, but I just can't let it go. Yeah, I said BUT!

I hope that I can let go of things easily in next minutes onwards. I hope. I hope. I hope.

Another 3 months will be in states for a year.  Wow. Can't imagine! I have been here for a year! No, I haven't think of going back yet. I am just... reluctant to ... go back!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


现在正坐火车去纽约市。没有走路去纽约市。突然想起多久没哭了。也突然发现双鱼好像没有了感觉。还是因为不再把悲伤,负面的事绕着自己,钻牛角间? 或许吧。得失不再那么重要。当下的感觉反而更真实。



Wednesday, June 25, 2014







Monday, February 10, 2014



現在在地球上的另一端。離馬來西亞15087.3公里/ 9375 miles。一個比馬來西亞慢13個小時(冬天)的地方。坐了大約21小時的飛機,屁股還好沒有爛掉!這是第一張到了地球另一角落的照片。心情其實很複雜。從一個熱熱的國家到了冰天雪地冷冷的國家。雙魚是不是還在做夢?這一切來得太慢也似乎太快了。雙魚真到了美國。




距離最後一天在地獄般工作的地方和過來美國的日子其實剩下兩個星期。那個星期雙魚是很趕的。因為簽證,行李等等等什麽都沒準備。(雙魚也很壞,要離開的前兩個星期才把最後消息告訴家人,他們第一反應是這麼快?外婆是擔心到要死,說著說著她哭了。雙魚很捨不得。雖然從3月份已經說了決定參加但後來matching 一直都沒有消息,其實外婆也不知道。就像快刀斬亂麻似的。離開兩個星期前才告訴她。結果被唸了一下,最後她說,你既然決定了也沒辦法)。幸好簽證面試是非常順利的。還好飛美國的時間是12月9號的飛機。11月30號工作最後一天,然後剩下的一個星期就是和大學朋友們和回家和家人做暫時離開馬來西亞的道別。這段時間是趕,趕,趕。




在酒店上課學習過後大家都各奔東西繼續旅程。雙魚來到了New Haven, Connecticut 06511。Yale 大學城。第一的感覺是:冷,累。 接下來幾個禮拜都是冷。就算今天 2 月9 日還是冷。而且外面正下著細細的雪。慶倖漸漸習慣了冷。還好,在這個家幾乎天天有白米飯吃。所以還不會想念飯。哈哈。到這裡整整兩個月了。雙魚一切都好。生理時鐘調整了。適應了有生以來天氣溫度在零下十幾度到幾度的冬天。現在不必每天咒駡無聊的人類。而且也終於走出了那個一直想跳出的框框。那一切苦苦的日子終於換來了這一點的甜。值得。捨不得的都捨得了。放不下的都放下了。這一切其實需要的就是勇氣與堅持。雙魚完成了生命中其中一個小夢,還有很多等著呢。在看這部落的你呢?咱們一起加油吧。Life begins when your comfort zone ends. 剛剛開始的新旅程,還有許多等著雙魚去探索。祝願一切順利。也祝願在遠方的家人與朋友,願你們一樣在新的一年裡有新的旅程。。。。。。

Thursday, October 17, 2013


隨便擺。隨便照。效果還比起特意擺,特意照來的順眼。=.= "'